In this post, the delivery guarantee provided by Akka is explored by example, demonstrating techniques for handling unreliable message delivery.

This post assumes you a familiar with basic Akka programming in Scala. If not, consider reading this first.

The documentation for Akka describes three types of message delivery guarantee:

  • at-most-once delivery means that for each message handed to the mechanism, that message is delivered zero or one times; in more casual terms it means that messages may be lost.
  • at-least-once delivery means that for each message handed to the mechanism potentially multiple attempts are made at delivering it, such that at least one succeeds; again, in more casual terms this means that messages may be duplicated but not lost.
  • exactly-once delivery means that for each message handed to the mechanism exactly one delivery is made to the recipient; the message can neither be lost nor duplicated.

The same page explains that Akka offers the first level, at-most-once delivery. The justification for this is explained well by the classic post, “Nobody Needs Reliable Messaging”.

Essentially, the argument is that what it means to have at-least-once or exactly-once delivery is specific to the business logic of an application. So it is up to each application to build on the underlying at-most-once provision in a way which is specific to its own needs.

Why are messages lost?

If you develop an application and run it on a single machine, or even clustered across multiple machines on a reliable network, you could get the impression that Akka provides exactly-once semantics. This is simply because a situation where a message gets lost requires some form of failure that has never occurred. However relying on this as you scale up is dangerous. As an application increases in traffic or is distributed across more machines, the chances of failure increase significantly.

Let’s look at some code. The examples here are available on Github. The Sender Actor sends 100 messages, with a small delay between each:

case object CountMe
case object Finished

class Sender(receiver: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  import context.dispatcher

  case object Send

  var numSent = 0

  override def preStart(): Unit = {

  def receive = {
    case Send =>
      receiver ! CountMe
      numSent = numSent + 1"Sent message ${numSent}")
      if(numSent == 100) {"Sender sent 100 messages")
        receiver ! Finished
      } else

  def scheduleNext() = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 millis, self, Send)

The Receiver Actor receives these and increments a counter:

class Receiver extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  def countingReceiver(current: Int): Receive = {

    case CountMe =>"Received message number ${current+1}")

    case Finished =>"Receiver received ${current} messages.")

  def receive = countingReceiver(0)

When this is run (using the following command if you have the project cloned from Github):

sbt 'run basic'

The output is:

 [akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Received message number 1
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sent message 1
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sent message 2
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Received message number 2
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sent message 99
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Received message number 99
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sent message 100
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Received message number 100
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sender sent 100 messages
 [akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Receiver received 100 messages.

Everything seems fine, all messages received. So under what conditions can this apparently reliable delivery fail?

On a distributed system, some causes are immediately obvious. A machine could fail, someone could trip over an Ethernet cable. Since sending messages is an asynchronous action, the sending actor gets no indication in these cases that their message will not be delivered. However failures can occur within a single JVM on a single machine as well. The Akka documentation describes some possible causes:

  • Errors such as StackOverflowError or OutOfMemoryError
  • The receiving actor is using a bounded mailbox and it is full
  • The receiving actor fails during processing, or is already terminated

Demonstrating message failure

We could try and alter our example to make any of these causes a possibility. However a straightforward and reliable way to introduce failure is to introduce a new mailbox type, which randomly drops a fraction of messages. The core of the logic is shown below, the complete implementation is available in the Github repo.

object UnreliableMailbox {

  class MyMessageQueue extends MessageQueue
  with UnreliableMailboxSemantics {
    private final val queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Envelope]()

    // 5% of messages are lost. Unless we're sending them to ourself
    def enqueue(receiver: ActorRef, handle: Envelope): Unit = {
      if(Random.nextDouble > 0.05 || receiver == handle.sender)

    def dequeue(): Envelope = queue.poll()

    def numberOfMessages: Int = queue.size

    def hasMessages: Boolean = !queue.isEmpty

    def cleanUp(owner: ActorRef, deadLetters: MessageQueue) {
      while (hasMessages) {
        deadLetters.enqueue(owner, dequeue())

The rule that messages are not dropped at random when an actor sends to itself is just to make the examples below simpler. In general, such messages also have at-most-once delivery.

Let’s run our example again, using this unreliable mailbox for the Receiver:

sbt 'run basic unreliable'

[akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Received message number 90
[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sent message 99
[akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Received message number 91
[akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Received message number 92
[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sent message 100
[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sender sent 100 messages
[akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Receiver received 92 messages.

At-least-once with Ack-Retry

So the unreliable mailbox has failed to deliver some of the messages to the Receiver, and there is no built-in remedy for this. We need to alter our application in order to take account of this. The typical way to do this, is with an Acknowledge and Retry approach. The Receiver must acknowledge each message from the Sender. If the Sender does not receive the acknowledgement within the time limit, it retries by sending the message again.

class Sender(receiver: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

    import context.dispatcher

    case object Send
    case class InternalAck(id: Int)
    case object Timeout

    var numSent = 0
    var retry: Option[Cancellable] = None

    override def preStart(): Unit = {

    def sending(next: Int): Receive = {
      case Send =>
        numSent = numSent + 1"Sending message ${next}")
        receiver ! CountMe(next)
        val timer = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(50 millis, self, Timeout)
        context.become(waiting(next, timer))

    def waiting(next: Int, timer: Cancellable): Receive = {

      case Ack(i) =>
        timer.cancel()"Received Ack for message ${next}")
        if (i == 100) {
"Sender sent ${numSent} messages")
          receiver ! Finished
        } else {

      case Timeout =>"Did not receive Ack for message ${next}")

    def receive = sending(1)

    def scheduleNext() = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 millis, self, Send)

This time the Sender alternates between two states, sending and waiting. After sending each message, it waits for the acknowledgement. If received in time, the actor moves on to sending the next message, otherwise it retries the current message.

The Receiver is also changed so that it sends the acknowledgements.

class Receiver extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  def countingReceiver(counter: Int): Receive = {

    case CountMe(i) =>"Received message number ${i}")
      sender ! Ack(i)

    case Finished =>"Receiver received ${counter} messages.")

    case other => log.error(s"Received ${other}")

  def receive = countingReceiver(0)

Let’s try this implementation, giving the Receiver an unreliable mailbox as before:

sbt 'run ack unreliable'

[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sending message 61
[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Did not receive Ack for message 61
[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sending message 61
[akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Received message number 61
[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sender sent 106 messages
[akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Receiver received 100 messages.

This looks good, the sender notices when messages were not received and resends them. Although 106 messages were sent, exactly 100 were received. However, it is not only messages from the Sender to Receiver which can be lost, the acknowledgements themselves can be lost. Let’s run this example with unreliable mailboxes at each end:

sbt 'run ack unreliable unreliable'

[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sender sent 111 messages
[akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Receiver received 106 messages.

Now the Receiver has received more messages that the Sender intended. We’ve achieved at-least-once delivery, which is what an Ack-Retry solution typically delivers.

Improving on At-least-once

In some cases, at-least-once is sufficient. However in other cases, receiving and processing messages more than once could go against the required business logic of the application. Imagine if each of our messages from Sender to Receiver represents a person with a ticket entering a venue, and we need an accurate count of the number of people in attendance. The implementation above would over-count. Whereas at-least-once delivery is primarily the responsibility of the Sender (other than the act of sending acknowledgements), achieving some sort of exactly-once semantics is the responsibility of the Receiver. The solution will always be very much application specific. In this case, let’s set the requirement that we must record exactly which of 100 ticket holders have arrived.

Exactly the same Sender as before will be used. The Receiver is changed so that it holds a Map of Int to Boolean, containing the numbers 1 to 100 all initialized to false. When receiving a message with an Int ID, we set the corresponding Boolean to true. If a message is received multiple times, the act of setting its flag to true multiple times is benign. This is an example of Idempotence, the property that an action can be performed multiple times, without changing the outcome beyond the initial instance. Ensuring that actions are Idempotent is a common way of achieving exactly-once behaviour when messages will arrive with at-least-once guarantees. Our Idempotent Receiver looks like this:

class Receiver extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  var receipts: Map[Int, Boolean] = (1 to 100).map(i => i -> false).toMap

  def countingReceiver(counter: Int): Receive = {

    case CountMe(i) =>"Received message number ${i}")
      receipts = receipts + (i -> true)
      sender ! Ack(i)

    case Finished =>"Receiver received ${receipts.values.count(_ == true)} distinct messages.")

    case other => log.error(s"Received ${other}")

  def receive = countingReceiver(0)

Let’s run this with unreliable mailboxes at both ends:

sbt 'run idempotent unreliable unreliable'

[akka://SendReceive/user/$b] Sender sent 108 messages
[akka://SendReceive/user/$a] Receiver received 100 distinct messages.

The Receiver has correctly kept track of which messages were received, even though 8 additional messages were sent.


Although Akka is highly robust and often appears to offer reliable messaging in some deployment situations, developers need to be aware that it offers at-most-once semantics. Applications which require at-least-once or exactly-once delivery must implement logic depending on their requirements.

The Ack-Retry solution presented here illustrates how application logic can extend the inbuilt guarantees to handle certain failure scenarios, but is not a complete solution for achieving at-least-once or exactly-once delivery. For example if the Idempotent receiver were to restart due to an error (which could be at the object level, JVM level, hardware level etc.) then its state would be reset, losing the memory of which messages had been received thus far. This can be remedied using Akka persistence which I will cover in a future post.

Here is a challenge for any readers with existing Akka code. If you configure the Actors in your system to use a lossy mailbox like the one decribed here, does it continue to operate as required?

Feedback and comments are welcome, either below or tweet me @mattinbits.